
Minors 2 Millionaires®

From the Classroom to the Boardroom


M2M courses are flexible and can be customized for any situation, from an afternoon seminar, to weekly classes, to a series of morning and afternoon sessions. All courses are individually prepared for the students’ background and environment.


M2M courses teach real things, not theory. What we teach works. M2M explains the philosophy and then applies it with practical exercises. We don’t show how to start a lemonade stand in the front yard; instead, our courses build a real company that’s open for business.


M2M business students graduate with the financial knowledge and tools to operate their company successfully. Our other courses financially prepare young people to get their first job and to live independently.
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Minors 2 Millionaires® gives students an edge in starting a business, building wealth and living life as an adult. All courses are available as regularly scheduled classes, weekend seminars, daytime workshops or camps.

Minors 2 Millionaires® Events

Youth will go from...

✅ Running a lemonade stand to leading in the board room

✅ Mowing lawns to owning a landscaping business

✅ Being an employee to being an employer


These are the services Minors 2 Millionaires® provides.

child in suit SQUARE


Entrepreneur Head$tart meets young men and women on the ground floor of their business idea, moves them through startup and teaches them to build their business. Lessons begin with brainstorming and progress through proper preparation, business requirements, marketing and customer acquisition culminating in continuous expansion. Entrepreneur Head$tart is the gateway that encourages your children’s entrepreneurial spirit and gets them started in business. This course is designed for students age 9-12.

business agreement


Business Head$tart is the higher-level program for young business people. Building on the previous study, these lessons teach about the financial aspects of earning money, owning a business, finding the right fit for the student’s talents, discovering the needs of the community, creating a business plan and keeping proper records. Business Head$tart allows your children to fulfill their desire to become business owners and successful men and women in today’s society. This course is designed for students age 12-14.

working teen


Being a Working Teenager brings new experiences and challenges to young people entering the workforce. This course teaches work ethics and responsibility, customer service and proper etiquette in a business setting. It also teaches the students to understand their salaries and how to interpret their pay statements. Working Teenager provides the information and teaches them about taxes and other expenses they may experience as an employee. This course is designed for students 15 years and older.



Living on Your Own is a whole new challenge we all face at one time in our lives. This course is designed to prepare young people for managing a household and being wise consumers. Participants see how the real world functions during day-to-day operations. Living on Your Own helps young adults gain insight into personal development on a new level. This course focuses on the financial aspects of living and does not teach young people how to vacuum, make their beds or do the laundry. This course is designed for students 17 years and older.